How to End The Year With Positivity :)

Even if you’ve had a challenging year, (and for most, there has been some of that) the end of the year is an opportunity to position yourself in the best way possible for the year ahead. You are the writer of your story. How you INTERPRET events determines your happiness. Here are a few ways to wrap up the year equipped with greater awareness, presence and clarity. Who doesn’t want more of that?


  1. Reflect on how much you’ve already achieved, and how far you have come. Reflect on the effort you’ve put in, the strength you’ve shown, and the subtle moments of grace you’ve experienced.


  1. Celebrate your progress. Too often we go onto the next project, or the next year, like hamsters on a wheel. Instead, look up, and celebrate your growth and what you discovered about yourself. Think also about what you enjoyed, and what you want to do more of.


  1. Practice gratitude – jot down what you are grateful for. Who has...
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10 Ways to Break Free From a Rut & Live a Much More Inspired Life

freedom inspiration joy Sep 30, 2022

Have you ever felt that you just needed an inspiration activation; and that life was getting stale, even soul-crushing at times? That’s actually an important wake-up call because it blasts opens the DESIRE to try something new“And the day came when the risk to remain tight In a bud was more painful than the risk It took to blossom.” – Anais Nin.   Here are 10 ways to activate your inspiration, vitality, and joy:


1. Reconnect with what brings you joy. What activities bring a smile to your face? What did you love to do as a child? Make a list of these and select one or two that you are willing to try. Set a date on your calendar, and even before you set out, visualize the fun you will have taking your inner child out to play.


2. Take in some inspiring information. If you love expanding and learning, set yourself up to do this. Watch a riveting documentary; listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Read biographies or...

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